We change the way people think about learning, society and culture. 




As a Community Interest Company, Learning Everywhere works with schools, charities, businesses and other learning-focused organisations to improve the educational experiences of young people. Our ultimate outcome is to develop young people's ability to make a positive contribution creatively, socially, culturally and economically to their community and wider society.

As 'learning architects' we design, create and manage sustainable change with (not for) our partners.

FLAGSHIPs: developing young peoples' capitals

PARTNERS: past and present

More of our past work and partnerships

We favour bold, creative and innovative approaches and we work best when collaborating with like-minded people. 

We challenge the concept that learning only happens to children in schools at set times and only within a 'classroom.' 

Instead we have evolved the notion of learning without boundaries to enact a notion of 'Learning Everywhere'.